The last two months have been about as calm as a school of piranhas in a feeding frenzy. Yeah. I won't get into the grisly details about our visit from a stomach bug, or bore you with our loosing battle with allergies and house work. I'll skip right to the major changes. We have finally started therapy. We have had almost weekly visits from an Occupational Therapist who possesses a miraculous understanding of sensory issues and how connected they are to every other body and mind function. She does a lot of teaching me about specific reflexes and sensory integration, and each week gives me new protocols to use on Kit. One of the biggest things I learned? I was right on that her sensory issues are a major cause for many of her challanges, especially where her sleep and speech were concerned. But I would never have been able to address her issues on my own. I am working toward administering the protocols every day, or at least some every day, but real life application of the
We are a busy blog, about a busy family, with a generous dash of self-deprecating humor. Oh yeah, we talk about homeschooling, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, and BiPolar too.