I spent two and a half hours on the phone yesterday evening with an incredibly skilled and patient customer service representative, fixing the problems on my computer that I have been struggling with for several months now, and spent $80 to have only partially fixed elsewhere. The problems themselves were caused by a different and abhorrently unskilled and impatient cutomer service representative, who failed to really investigate and troubleshoot a minor error, and instead felt the best way to kill a spider was to blow up the house. Well after blowing up my computer, the error was still there! Because, of course, the problem wasn't the house, it was the spider, which happened to be in the yard! After hours, litteraly of searching, looking up technical terms, and scouring forums, I not only identified the problem, but also solved it. Great. I now had only one thing on my computer working, while everything else was either missing, not not working. I attempted several methods to
We are a busy blog, about a busy family, with a generous dash of self-deprecating humor. Oh yeah, we talk about homeschooling, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, and BiPolar too.